
You're never too old for fairytales May 22 2015, 0 Comments

Having a 3 year old daughter is the best thing in the world, not only for the constant cuddles and unwavering adoration, but for the excuse to sit down and watch childrens films... a vat of inspiration right there! The joy of childhood as she watches in awe princesses in twirling dresses and crowns (that's like a tiara isn't it mummy?) and her insistence that these fictional characters are absolutely real and if only they would come 'to our house to play.' There is nothing quite like seeing life through a child's eyes, so fresh, so innocent, so inquisitive. I may be 34 (sshhh don't tell anyone) but you're never too old for fairytales - ooh now that would work on a plaque wouldn't it?! More so the fairytale is living with a 3 year old with the most incredibly active imagination and enthusiasm for life and all the new discoveries it brings every single day. I really had no idea when I was blessed with my daughter that it could be this amazing. The secret of life it seems, is all in the mind of a 3 year old.